The role of a number 10 in soccer

Surely you have also seen the numbers printed on the players’ shirts. So, do you know the role of those numbers? Today, 10Cric Casino India will analyze roles in football. And especially, find out what the role of number 10 in football is!

Roles in football

Many people have always loved football as a sport. This is a famous sport and is known as the king sport. Football is a team sport; each player on the field has a separate role and task. Key roles in football include:

Goalkeeper position

Goalkeeper position

The goalkeeper’s main role is to protect the goal. This is the most important task of the goalkeeper. They need to be able to block the opponent’s shots, whether with their hands or feet.

The goalkeeper is someone who has a panoramic view of the entire field. They need to be able to command and coordinate defenders to organize effective defense. Modern goalkeepers need to be able to launch attacks from restricted areas. land. They can make long flicks or short passes to start an attack.

Defender position

Defense is the most important task of a defender. The defender needs to be able to stop the opponent’s attacks, protect the goal and prevent them from scoring.

The modern defender not only focuses on defense but also needs to be able to promote support in attack. They can participate in sideline attacks, cross the ball into the penalty area or perform powerful long-range shots.

The defender also initiates attacks. The defender can make long passes to start an attack from his own half. The back is divided into positions:

  • Central defender (CB)
  • Fullback (LB/RB)
  • Sweeper (SW)
  • Midfield position

The midfielder plays the role of connection between the defenders and strikers. The midfielder is an important bridge between the attack and defense lines. They are responsible for receiving the ball from the defender and bringing the ball up to the striker, while also supporting the defense when necessary.

The midfielder is the one who coordinates the pace of the match, organizes attacks and creates scoring opportunities for teammates. Some midfielders have good scoring ability, especially powerful long-range shots.

Midfield positions are divided as follows:

roles in football
  • Defensive midfielder
  • Central midfielder
  • Attacking midfielder
  • Winger
  • Midfielder position in football
  • Striker position
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Scoring goals is the striker’s most important task. They need to be able to shoot well, move smartly and choose the correct position to score for the home team. Strikers can also create scoring opportunities for teammates with assists. The striker can create a wall for his teammates by receiving the ball and holding it so his teammates have time to move and receive the ball.

Role number 10 in football

Number 10 has long been considered a legendary shirt number in football, associated with the best players and talented “conductors” on the field. Legends such as Diego Maradona, Pele, Michel Platini, Zinedine Zidane, Francesco Totti, Lionel Messi all wore the number 10 shirt and left a deep mark in football history.

Playing position

Number 10 usually plays as an attacking midfielder, can play high up as a striker or drop back to support defense when needed.

This position requires good personal technique, the ability to dribble, pass and shoot accurately.

Role number 10 in football

Conductor: Is the person who coordinates gameplay, organizes attacks and creates opportunities for teammates. Has good tactical vision, ability to read the game and make accurate decisions.

Playmaker: Is the person who creates decisive passes, helping teammates score goals. The ability to pass the ball accurately, creatively and can create breakthroughs in the match.

Goal scorer: Also capable of scoring goals, especially powerful long-range shots. Good finishing ability and killer instinct.

The impact of number 10

The number 10 role in football is an important position, which can directly affect the outcome of the match. An excellent number 10 player can help the team win and become a legend.

Excellent number 10 players

Lionel Messi: Considered the best number 10 player of all time. Perfect dribbling, passing and finishing ability. Scored many goals and assists throughout his career.

Diego Maradona: Another legend of the Argentine football team. Outstanding ball handling ability and personal technique. Led the Argentina team to win the 1986 World Cup.

Michel Platini: A great French striker. Explosive scoring ability and skillful personal technique. Scored many goals for Juventus and the French team.


Above, we have analyzed all the roles of players on the football field. And the role of number 10 in football is indispensable. The above information will help you have a better understanding of football. I hope you all have moments of enjoying football matches with 10 Cric India.

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